Joe Pera’s submission to the Andy Kaufman Awards in 2011 and 2012 has been circling around the internet for some time now. There, he talked about his hardships, wife, kids, and many more.
What’s intriguing about those videos is that not many could figure out if the things he said were real, including his spouse and babies. While some believe his words to be true, some think of it as his way of doing comedy.
Joe Pera Met His Wife While Volunteering
In the video that he submitted in 2011, the comedian mentioned that he fell in love with a girl he was volunteering with. He revealed that her name was Lakeisha, who would later be his spouse.
He stated that while performing on a stage as a comedian and doing other jobs like a light housekeeper in LA, he also started volunteering on the weekend.
Luckily, he met Lakeisha. Then, the two clicked two each other and started dating. Sometimes, after that, the two tied the knot.
Joe and his better half also welcomed two lovely daughters sometime after their marriage. Then, he became more busier than usual. Even though he still performed on stage shows.
However, he wasn’t selected for the award. Later, after one year, he made another video for the same award.
This was the third time that he was applying because he wasn’t selected before. In the video, he talked about how he had gone through the tough times and headed to New York in search of a job.
He also divulged that he and his significant other were expecting triplets. However, it is not clear if the things he said in the video were true or were scripted.
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Joe Pera Often Tweets about His Wife
The American comedian often tweeted about his wife back in the day. For the first time, he tweeted about his partner in 2013.
He said that his wife treated him well, but when he got on her bad side, it was like the Coen Brothers movie No Country Time Lemonade for Old Me.
Later several years later, he said that he would be hurt very badly if he caught his wife eating oatmeal without him.
Nonetheless, he never mentioned Lakeisha. In February 2019, he told his wife that if his team won, he would give her a kiss.

Several users commented on the tweet. He also said in the comment section that he would kiss her either way. One user said, “I would like to say kiss her for me, but that’s rude. Kiss her again for herself and yourself”
Later in 2020, he tweeted, “There’s nothing like the smile on my wife’s face when she asks “what’s for dessert?” and I tell her “apples.”” After onwards, he hasn’t said anything on social media or in other interviews about his wife.
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Fans Talked about Him and His Wife
Netizens have talked about the comedian and his wife on Reddit. Taking the topics, folks are still in doubt about if he abandoned his children and partner, just like he said in the video he submitted in 2012.
While they went through his old videos, people questioned if he left his marital life to pursue a career. While others are still curious to know if he has a wife or not.
One user said, “He mentions a wife on Twitter from time to time, and always in a way that makes it seem like she’s real, and it’s not a bit, but it’s tough to say for certain.”

Another user penned, “He’s very private about his personal life, and I respect that. I think I would almost kill the magic to see Joe acting like a normal guy.”