Ndotspinalot is a young rapper who has kept his real name despite being in the limelight. As a result, it became a topic of discussion on a Twitch stream.
A Youtuber/Streamer, Noti, titled the video, writing that Ndotspinalot had revealed his name by accident on his Twitch. Furthermore, he also mentioned in the video description that he revealed his age on Noticuz Twitch.
Ndotspinalot’s Real Name Was Leaked on Comment
In the video, Noti brought up the topic of the artist’s real name, but without replying, Ndotspinalot drank from his cup to brush him off. After a few seconds, a user wrote Nathaniel on the live chat.
Some speculated it to Nicholas, and others penned that it was Nathan. When Noti read the live conversation, he questioned the artist, “Why they say your name is Nathaniel?[SIC]”

However, the young talent said to move on with another question without answering his previous one. But during the course of the conversation, he said Nathan, and then Noti stated that Ndotspinalot’s government name was Nathan.
However, the artist neither claimed it nor denied it. Moreover, one user on YouTube claimed that his name was Ethan Noel and also said that he got exposed on some platform.
Furthermore, one user also joked that they named him Celico Papi. Nevertheless, Ndotspinalot hasn’t made any comments regarding his real name, and the mystery around his name is yet to be thoroughly investigated.
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The Rapper Is of Puerto Rican Heritage But Grew Up In the USA
On another YouTube channel named On The Radar Radio, the host of the show, Gabe P, introduced Ndotspinalot, referring to him as his Puerto Rican brother.
Gabe asked the artist whether or not he could speak Spanish. While growing up, that was the first language that he learned, but after switching to another language, he stopped speaking the other one.

Ndotspinalot said that he knew the basics but didn’t know how to really speak. He understood what the other person was talking about in Spanish but couldn’t really hold a conversation.
Further, the artist revealed that he had lived in the Bronx for his whole life and holds an American nationality. He added that he was born in that city, and he was introduced to Spanish music by his mother.
His mom used to play Spanish classical music. Plus, she was a big fan of Chris Brown and listened to his music. Ndotspinalot said that if those classical songs were to be played, it would refresh his memory of his childhood days.
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NdotSpinalot Is a Young Aspiring Artist
According to Famous Birthdays, Ndotspinalot celebrated his birthday on June 20, while another one claimed that he was 14 years old. Moreover, he used to listen to artists like Lil Durk, NBA YoungBoy, PnB Rock, and others since he was a 5-year-old.
The artist has already released 3 music videos on his YouTube channel and has over 14K subscribers. Further, his videos have already been viewed by more than 1.9 Million people.
Ndotspinalot opened his channel in March 2021 and uploaded five music videos this year, with two of them being a month older. The artist grew up listening to Spanish music but was never really fond of them.
All in all, Ndotspinalot likes to keep the mysterious aura around him and could be a well-known artist in the upcoming days.